This blog is dedicated to banking employees and bank customers. Share your ideas on what works for you as a banker and what challenges you are facing with customers.
Bank customers please post your thoughts and questions on banking issues or concerns.
I will also be posting tips on how to save you money and time with your banking needs.

G o o g l e

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bankers: What challenges do you face in your branch?

Being a banker is not an easy task in this day of massive banking competition. On top of having to face steep goals ahead us, we sometimes have to deal with branch staff that may not be up to par with what we are trying to accomplish. As a branch manager, I can tell you that your success depends a lot on how much your team is motivated. If you are not motivated than don’t expect your staff to be, this is probably the hardest facet of our role as a BM. I often find myself asking, how can I get my staff on the same page and work together like a fine timepiece? It takes time to accomplish this, to have your team buy into the plan that you have in place, it is a work in progress that needs to be worked on daily. Be an example to your team and they will follow, this is the most effective way that I have experienced. Delegate…don’t take on all responsibilities by yourself, you are a hard worker but if you take on all the responsibility then you are actually doing a disservice to your employees because they will depend too much on you. You always want to help people improve themselves but banking is not for everyone, at some point you will have to decide if this person or people are right for the job. Managing someone out is never easy but it’s best for all parties at this point.

Look, these principles can be applied not only banking but other industries as well so I challenge you to take that initial step and start today!"Attitude Reflects Leadership" from:Remember The Titans Movie

What are some of the issues that you come across? How do you handle them? What do you do daily to motivate your staff? How do you acknowledge success?


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more Franklin. You are only as strong as the team around you. I am a sales person for a bank in NY and I depend on certain partners to handle their side of the business as a compliment to my knowledge. If they aren't either competant or motivated enough, my effort is in vain. It is crucial in this day and age to have partners that understand how they are a piece of the puzzle that can creat a wonderful masterpiece.

Que Qua

Franklin said...

Well said Q, you sound like someone who has experience in the retail banking world. Great point on your business partners, they may not work in your branch but you may rely on them heavily in order to close a deal.

Hope to see you here often, share your ideas or frustrations.